CSO Grad Ceremony

CityStudio Oslo has finally come to an end with remarkable results. Not only did Tin serve as part of the teaching staff (representing NMBU) for the entire semester, but he also hosted the final event at the City Hall. The students from different institutions tackled issues concerning participation, housing, youth and walkability in Oslo.

A “side quest” were also issued first day of school - to make a poster conveying a quality/challenge in Oslo. Two awards were handed out on this occasion - the Critics Choice Award and the People’s Choice Award.

CityStudio is an experiential learning platform engaged deeply in the City of Oslo. It is part of an international network of 11 other courses in 3 different countries. Oslo remains the first and only European city to be part of this network. Invited guests were various universities/university college involved in CityStudio (UiO, AHO, NMBU, OsloMet), staff members from different government officials, property developers, private/public enterprises and citizens of Oslo etc. The course is led by Professor Per Gunnar Røe and Jennifer Valleé. Other teaching staff include: Gro Sandkjær HanssenElin Børrud, Marianne Skjulhaug, Espen Hauglin.


Concerns about the future of Kjeller Research Park