Galleri Rom, Oslo Tin Phan Galleri Rom, Oslo Tin Phan

DKS Lab - Keynote

As a result of the success back in fall 2021, and Nomad was rehired for a second tour, Hvem påvirker Flekken. The tour is about instigating an attitude and to voice an opinion as to why our physical environment is as it is.

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Oslo, Norway Tin Phan Oslo, Norway Tin Phan

DKS Flekken - second tour

As a result of the success back in fall 2021, and Nomad was rehired for a second tour, Hvem påvirker Flekken. The tour is about instigating an attitude and to voice an opinion as to why our physical environment is as it is.

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Mesh, Oslo Tin Phan Mesh, Oslo Tin Phan

Joining the OBR Advisory Board

Tin joins another round with the Oslo Business Region (OBR) Advisory Board, under the research and proptech alibi. The board’s mandate is to identify relevant challenges and opportunities in the business and startup ecosystem in the Oslo region.

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