First Employee at SITRAP

Tin has been employed at SITRAP - Center for Integrated, Transdisciplinary Education in Planning. The center’s overarching goal is to improve teaching methods and transdisciplinary practices among students within the field of planning - through incorporating academia and practice early on. Tin’s role as a project employee will be to initiate and establish the center’s core activities, presence and goals. Aside from SITRAP, he will also partake in some teaching duties & desk crits, discourses on academic level of master courses, and delightful lunches at NMBU.

Tin has been in negotiations for a position as early as in November 2018 and was formally on board early January - sorry for the late info. The project is led by professor Elin Børrud, and currently under the Faculty of Landscape and Society (LANDSAM) of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Don’t worry, this is a 50% position for one year, meaning the office will go about its bizniz as usual, we’ll just work harder!


OUA Program Committee 2.0


OAF - History in Practice Launch