13.12 2nd Place in Europan 16 - Hjertelia
01.12 PHI401 Research Ethics & Philosophy of Science
12.11 DKS Flekken - first tour
05.11 Panel Appearance in Elin Børrud’s Symposium aka Sweet 60’s
27.10 Speaking in the Podcast, Bysnakk!
26.10 SDP405 Framing the PhD
21.10 CSO Projects lecture 1.0
03.09 “De”Motivational Speech at Urban Lab
01.09 The Fellow, The Queen, and a Three Year-Long Romance
29.08 CSO Interdisciplinarity lecture series
19.08 CSO Diagram lecture 3.0
04.08 Hurtigpraksis Year Five + Plot Twist
30.07 Resigning the post at RestartOslo 2021
24.06 External Sensor at NMBU
17.06 SITRAP Digitalisation of the spatial planning fields
06.06 RestartOslo is going viral
03.06 External Critic at AHO
20.05 Honorary Mention in the Sara Hildén Art Museum competition
18.05 Commencing RestartOslo 2021
29.04 Speaker at Østfold Eiendomsforum
16.02 Workshop with Løvold Maritime Park