DKS Diagram - Another Tour

Tin joins another round of DKS (13-22. of February), with “Diagram - don’tell, draw it!”. The tour is a culmination of Tin’s decade-long approach to conveying his and other people’s ideas instantly. The session is divided in three parts: 1. intro monologue, 2. pupil workshop, 3. public crit. Tin visited Drammen High School, Hønefoss High School, Gol High School, Ål High School, and Numedal High School.

This is Tin’s second conceptual tour that has been picked up by the DKS initiative, and the second round that Diagram has been on the road. DKS is a government initiative for pupils in elementary, middle and high school of Norway, to get to experience professional arts and culture of all kinds. The aim is to secure that children all over the country a better understanding of artistic and cultural expressions at the highest level.


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