Konkurranseånd Commences!

Photo: Marcus Dalaker Figenschou

With the Urban Lab crew, Tin was given the task to head the next Urban Lab session, Konkurranseånd, English translation, Competitive Spirit. The aim of this session was to intercept and understand the key concept before production of a complete design proposal goes ahead. The workshop consisted of a roleplay, Tin & Urban Lab representing the leadership of a consultancy firm, the students represented newly hired employees with too much to prove. Game on!

"In any competition, one is trained to give their best - 100% of the time. What if our best only amounts to 1%, while the remaining 99% is actually smooth sailing?"

The workshop aimed at simulating how it is to work in competitions under time pressure, compete side-by-side/against colleagues and, more importantly, figure out how to make a profit for the “firm”. The “employees” were divided into 6 topics, presented in this order:

  1. planning policies.

  2. Built and open space.

  3. Mobility, infrastructure.

  4. Commercial interests.

  5. Civil disobedience.

  6. Program, temporality.

Photos: Marcus Dalaker Figenschou

Disclaimer! Shawarmas were not served in the event, as Tin did promise this during the teaser trailer in February. The point Tin was trying to make, was that nobody would be going hungry for the duration of the event. All the participants were served some sandwiches.

  • 4 hours!

  • 1. Planning policies:

    • Kristine Lie – By- og regionplanlegging

    • Morten Adamsen – Arkitekt Sweco

    • Martin Tobias Solvik – Eiendom

    • Alireza Tahernian - Landskapsarkitektur

    • Oscar Kvitberg – Landskapsingeniør

    2. Built and open space:

    • Kristian Kanck Kringstad – Eiendom

    • Karoline Hannisdal – By- og regionplanlegging

    • Tcnim Refaat – Landskapsarkitektur

    • Sebastian Daudon Bakken – Landskapsingeniør

    3. Mobility, infrastructure:

    • Henrik Bøe Ynnesdal - Eiendom

    • Ingunn Halsebakke – By- og regionplanlegging

    • Louise Antonsen Rognsvåg – Landscape Arcitechture for Global Sustainability

    • Pauline Hovland – Landskapsarkitektur

    • Peder Blümlein – Samfunnsgeografi, UiO

    4. Commercial interests:

    • Vetle Ahlefeldt-Næss - Eiendom

    • Katharina Havig Solnørdal – Arkitekt Sweco

    • Sofie Ringdal – By- og regionplanlegging

    • Anna Glenna Bodsberg - Landskapsarkitektur

    5. Civil disobedience:

    • Rebecca Mathilde Eikaas – Landscape Arcitechture for Global Sustainability

    • Vida Dullum – Landskapsarkitektur

    • Christoffer Gerkman – By- og regionsplanlegging (UL)

    6. Program, temporality:

    • Oliver Brevik – Eiendomsutvikling

    • Nora Ulrikke Andersen – International Relations

    • Lisa Roland Dahlen – BYM (alumni lark)

    • Anneli Arentz – Dronningen Landskap (alumni lark)


DKS Diagram - Fourth Tour


Konkurranseånd Announcement